Affordable Housing
Affordable housing tax credits are a financial incentive offered by governments to encourage private investment in the development and preservation of affordable housing units. These credits act as a reduction in a taxpayer's liability, making investments in affordable housing projects more attractive.

Tax credits incentivize private sector investment in affordable housing, which can bridge the funding gap and accelerate the development of new units.
Increased Investment
A relatively small amount of government funding can attract a much larger amount of private investment through tax credits.
Leveraged Funding
Affordable housing projects can revitalize neighborhoods, create jobs, and improve overall quality of life.
Community Development
Tax credits often come with requirements for maintaining affordability for a certain period, ensuring long-term stability for low-income tenants.
Tenant Stability

The government, typically through a national housing agency, allocates a pool of tax credits to state or local housing agencies based on population or other criteria.
Government Allocation
Developers vie for credits by proposing affordable housing projects. Winning proposals earn credits based on alignment with community needs, financial viability, and design quality.
Competitive Bidding
Developers typically don't use the tax credits themselves. Instead, they sell them to investors in exchange for cash. Investors can claim the credits over a set period, reducing their own tax bills.
Credit Monetization
The cash from selling the credits provides developers with the capital needed to finance the construction, rehabilitation, or preservation of affordable housing units.
Capital Generation
Here's how it works:
The program can be complex and bureaucratic, making it difficult for some developers, particularly smaller ones, to participate.

Credits may not be evenly distributed across all regions, potentially leaving some areas with limited access to affordable housing development.
Geographical Disparities

Critics argue that tax credits can inadvertently lead to gentrification, displacing existing low-income residents.